Preparing for Mediation: A Practical Guide

Preparing for Mediation: A Practical Guide by Greg Stone

Your success in mediation depends on your preparation.

Successful people—in athletics, the arts, education, or business—do not leave outcomes to chance. They prepare for success. You can, too. This easy-to-use guide prepares you to make sound decisions during dispute resolution, leading to successful outcomes.

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About the Book

Attorneys will find Preparing for Mediation to be an invaluable tool for helping clients realize the greatest possible benefit from dispute resolution processes.

Parties to a dispute will find this book helps them work more efficiently with their attorney to achieve the best possible outcome.

Mediators can use this guide to educate parties and facilitate their journey through the mediation steps.

Preparing for Mediation

Your hard work preparing for a facilitated negotiation has set the stage for your success. You are ready to reap the considerable dividends mediation preparation can deliver. Most likely you will arrive at a settlement agreement that provides greater satisfaction and is more enduring than outcomes you might have achieved otherwise.